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We prodvide you with a valuable and effective workshops to Level-up your skills as a developer.

Ahmed Abdulrahman

API Design in Node

In this workshop, you'ill get started and learn everything you need to design and build `APIs` in Node.js from the ground up!

Ahmed Abdulrahman

Advance React Hooks

In this workshop, we learn how to use advanced hooks patterns and how to be more productive building react apps by making custom hooks. We’ll also build a full featured React Application using only React Hooks

Ahmed Abdulrahman

Electron Fundamentals

Electron is an open-source software framework developed and maintained by GitHub that makes it easy to create cross-platform desktop apps with `JavaScript`, `HTML`, and `CSS`.

Ahmed Abdulrahman

Introduction to GraphQL

GraphQL is a special language for querying data. That's what the QL is for query language. It was designed and built

Ahmed Abdulrahman

Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is one of the leading open source `NoSQL` databases you can work with. It makes working with data simple - it's built on a philosophy that prioritizes performance and efficiency.

Ahmed Abdulrahman

Introduction to Node

In this workshop, you'll the foundations of Node.js so you can go forward and create fantastic JavaScript apps outside the browser!

Ahmed Abdulrahman

Advance Javascript

In this workshop, you'ill get a solid understanding of the most important topics in JavaScript

Ahmed Abdulrahman

State Management with Pure React

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to handle state management using React's core APIs, including both in the traditional component state, as well as in React hooks.


© 2018–2020
Ahmed Abdulrahman


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